Make maps for kids fun
Find out why you should get maps for kids and encourage them to improve their map reading skills. These guides will show you how to make map reading for kids of all ages both fun and educational.
Instil a love of the outdoors that will last a lifetime. We’ve collected some of our top ideas and inspiration for getting children of all ages interested in using maps to understand the environment around them. Ready to move to the next stage? Check out the Map reading – beginner’s guides.
Help kids learn more about the outdoors and become a map reading expert with the OS Kids Adventure Book. Packed full of fun puzzles and challenges to keep them entertained for hours.

Teaching younger children about maps
Understanding how places relate to each other is a vital skill for children. Having a good spatial awareness helps them with many other aspects of education, from maths to creativity.

Shaun the Sheep’s Countryside Code
With the help of Shaun the Sheep, find out more about how you can enjoy the outdoors responsibly and protect it for us all to enjoy for years to come.

Teacher training: How to make map skills fun
Children are fascinated by maps. But it still can be a challenge for teachers to make learning fun. Here’s top tips from Outdoor Activities Instructor Adrian Hall.

Top tips to get children using paper maps
Shell Grayson of Get Out With The Kids with her top tips to get children using paper maps while spending more time engaging with the outdoors.

Ordnance Survey educational resources
Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, take a look at our Education Resources for project ideas and teaching aids, plus find games to play in our fun MapZone area.