Can you take a silent walk? No music. No podcasts. No livestreaming. No pictures for an Instagram story – not even the occasional ‘ding’ of a message notification
One Mile Walks are designed to increase access to the outdoors for those who want options for short but perfectly formed circular walks.
Incorporating strength training into your daily walk can help build core muscles essential for keeping both our body and brain fit and healthy.
Get inspired with these winter picnic ideas including what hot food to take on a picnic, how to keep your picnic warm and where to go for a picnic, especially in winter. Includes a simple one pot recipe for you to try.
Injury prevention for hikers, 10 practical tips from Physio and OS Champion Tom Troughton, for those dusting off their hiking boots or new to hiking
It’s easy to lose sight of what really matters: moving our bodies, connecting with others, and caring for the world around us. We don’t need a gym to do that!
Why you should bin the gym and get outside instead if you want to boost your mental and physical wellbeing this winter
Need Motivation to Get Outside? Find out all the amazing benefits of joining a group to help motivate you to get outside more!
It takes 21 days to form a habit. Ordnance Survey’s very own Liz Beverley had fallen out of love with running but want to get back into it. Motivation and a nudge in the right direction was all she needed to make it part of her routine. Create a habit in 21 days with a free pfd included.