- OS Champion
Rose Marie Gare-Simmons
Meet Rose Marie Gare-Simmons – a mother of two and a summer mountain leader based in the Lake District.
Tell us a bit about yourself and how you like to get outside?
My name is Rose Gare-Simmons and I am a mother of two and a summer mountain leader based in the Lake District. I have been leading group walks and providing map reading and navigation training for people at all levels over the past 4 years. I am also the Nationally Elected Councillor for hillwalking at the British Mountaineering Council (BMC).

I like to combine my knowledge, skills and passions for both the outdoors and mental health to advocate safe outdoor adventure for positive mental wellbeing; I do so through organising and hosting charity events and fundraisers, group hikes, my volunteer work and through public speaking events.

When I am not working out on the hill (or with friends) or volunteering, I am often found working in my full time role as a registered mental health nurse where I have over 10 years experience working within a diverse range of settings supporting a diverse range of client groups.

Between my various roles I also enjoy travelling around the UK in my campervan with my dog Blisco! …and further afield for bigger adventures abroad!
What’s your favourite route or place to go and why?

Rose’s Favourite Hiking Route – Kentmere Horseshoe
One of my favourite routes is a hike around the Kentmere horseshoe in the Lake District, this has always been a favourite of mine as it is often quieter than the other parts of the Lake District but has phenomenal views and a real feel of being in the wild!
Want to find out more about how to start hiking?
Read our complete guide to Hiking for Beginners, everything you need to get started from essential equipment to fitness and safety advice – Hiking For Beginners
What’s your fave bit of kit available on the OS Shop?
My favourite OS kit must be the Explorer paper maps! I love using paper maps to plan hikes and adventures and of course, these maps are a key piece of kit to any hill day and my navigation lessons!

OS Shop
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