Nazmine Maguire @altitude.addict
  • OS Champion

Nazmine Maguire

Meet Nazmine Maguire, an outdoor activity instructor with a passion for maps (and altitude!)

Nazmine Maguire @altitude.addict

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you like to get outside?

I’m an outdoor activity instructor and love being outdoors every single day. I enjoy mountain
biking along trails in the countryside, hiking in the mountains, paddleboarding and sailing. I also
have a slight obsession with maps, therefore really enjoy teaching navigation and map reading
skills to others.

@altitude.addict Another wonderful navigation course done, this time for @womenoutdoors_uk in the Peak District where all of the ladies did exceptionally well. Of course we used the @ordnancesurvey maps to #GetOutside as I’m a very proud #oschampion. We covered: how to take a bearing, how to measure and calculate distances using a compass, coursing/orientating a map, contour lines, map symbols, triangulation, grid references and more contour lines. The ladies were thrilled at learning how to use a compass, I mean, how cool is that? 🤩 Would you like to learn how to map read? I take group bookings. You can DM @altitude.addict for enquiries 🧭🗺️ Thank you for your lovely hospitality @peakclimbingschool . . . . #ordnancesurvey #osmaps #contourlines #mapsymbols #getoutside #gooutside #gooutdoors #mapskills #navigation #compass #map #oschampion #mapgeek #lovemyjob #outdoorinstructor #altitudeaddict #womenoutdoors ♬ Say It Right – Nelly Furtado

What’s your favourite route or place to go and why?

Nazmine Maguire’s Favourite Hiking Route – The Old Man of Storr

My Absolute favourite route has to be the Old Man Of Storr. It is incredible and looks other-wordly,
as if you’re on another planet! Myself and my children have very fond memories of this place from
2017 and hope to be returning this year. Take a look at the route I plotted using OS maps to get to
the infamous rock sculptures.

Interested in visiting Skye?

Take a look at this article – Visiting Skye Responsibly & Sustainably

What’s your fave bit of kit available on the OS Shop?

I really love this rucksack raincover, which is a very important piece of kit when you’re living in the
ever so rainy UK, as it helps to keep your kit dry on long walks. It packs away very small into a
cute little bag, looks very stylish and is very lightweight. It has served me well during an
expedition in the mountains of the Lake District.

OS Guidebooks and Maps


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Find and follow XXX online:

Instagram: @altitude.addict
TikTok: @altitude.addict
YouTube @altitude.addict