Jonathan Elder in a poncho
  • OS Champion

Jonathan Elder

Jonathan works for Ordnance Survey as the Ecommerce Development Manager, and is an unrepentant map geek and technology nerd.

Jonathan (with Tommy the Greyhound) walking in Hampshire

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you like to get outside?

I mainly love walking – I don’t see myself quite keeping up with some of the big challenges some of the other OS Champions have done, but I do enjoy exploring new areas on foot. I also really love maps – planning a route is at least half the fun!

I also really enjoy helping others to get outside more. I’ve run map-reading classes for OS staff and at events, and have written some of the Map Reading Guides on OS GetOutside, as well as writing a lot of the content for the The Ordnance Survey Kids’ Adventure Book.

What’s your favourite route or place to go and why?

Isle of wight coastal path walking route

Jonathan’s Favourite Hiking Route – The Isle of Wight Coastal Path

It’s difficult to pick a single place or route, because I like the novelty of discovering new places, but if I’m forced to pick one, it would be the Isle of Wight Coastal Path. It’s not too far from where I live near the OS HQ in Southampton, but getting on a ferry always makes it feel like a proper trip

The path itself has huge variety, from steep coastal cliff paths to rolling fields, and has lots of little villages and places to stop along the way. I’ve done one multi-day walk and loads of shorter days a walks, and hope to do the whole 110km over five days fairly soon

Jonathan on the Isle of Wight

Want to find out more about how to start hiking?

Read our complete guide to Hiking for Beginners, everything you need to get started from essential equipment to fitness and safety advice – Hiking For Beginners

What’s your fave bit of kit available on the OS Shop?

I do like a bit of tech, and have (several!) GPS devices, as well as a Garmin smart watch, but my favourite bit of kit has to be the simple compass. With a bit of practice they can be incredibly flexible for navigating places and checking where you are. Using a compass instead of just following an arrow on your phone or GPS makes you feel more connected with the landscapes you are in.

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