- OS Champion
Janire Denny-Arzalluz
Meet Janire Denny-Arzalluz, hiker, wild swimmer, paddle boarder, mountain biker and trainee Mountain Leader based in the West Midlands of England

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you like to get outside?
I am a trainee mountain leader so spend a lot of time out in the mountains practising skills as I work towards my mountain leader assessment in September this year. I have always been outdoorsy and loved spending my summers as a child in Spain playing out on the bikes with friends until gone dark. Nowadays I enjoy hiking, wild swimming, paddle boarding, mountain biking and skiing. I love to travel the UK and abroad in search of hidden gems and taking in the beauty of our world.

I have recently set up a local walking group in Shropshire. I love to share my passion for the outdoors with others and create a safe and inclusive environment that is open to all in which to get outside, explore more and make new friends!
What’s your favourite route or place to go and why?

Janire Denny-Arzalluz’s Favourite Hiking Route – Caer Caradoc and The Lawley
My favourite place to go is right on my doorstep- the beautiful Shropshire Hills. I hiked all the Shropshire Hills during the pandemic which then led me onto the mountains of Eryri. This walk taking in Caer Caradoc and The Lawley is an iconic Shropshire walk. But will you find the elusive Caractacus’ Cave? With an OS map I think you will!
Want to find out more about how to start hiking?
Read our complete guide to Hiking for Beginners, everything you need to get started from essential equipment to fitness and safety advice – Hiking For Beginners
What’s your fave bit of kit available on the OS Shop?
As I’m training to become a mountain leader, I know just how important navigation is, especially in the UK when the weather is so changeable and poor visibility can catch you off guard! So my fave bit of kit from the OS Shop is – any map for the area you want to explore (laminated so its waterproofed and you don’t need a map case) and the Silva Expedition 4 compass plus the skills to know how to use them.

OS Shop
We are with you every step of the way. Shop our trusted walking and hiking maps and guidebooks so you can explore the outdoors with confidence.
Go to the shopFind and follow Janire Denny-Arzalluz online:
Website: www.rayofsunadventures.com
Instagram: @rayofsun_adventures
Facebook: @Rayofsun.adventures/