- OS Champion
Beth Craigen
Meet Beth Craigen

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you like to get outside?
I am very lucky to get to spend a lot of time either outdoors or encouraging and providing opportunities for others to get outside. In my day job I work helping community groups to set up to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) with the aim of making the award more accessible to young people from marginalised backgrounds. In my spare time I work and volunteer for charity Nacro Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning where I run lots of outdoor activities for inner city young people as well as training for teachers, leaders and parents/ carers with a focus on making the outdoors more accessible.

I completed my Lowland Leader Award last year and am now working on my Mountain Leader Award so that I can be a Course Director for Lowland Leader one day and help others lead in the outdoors. When I am not busy working, I love to be out mountain biking or hiking mountains with my family and friends as well as enjoying lovely walks and bike rides around my local green spaces.
What’s your favourite route or place to go and why?

Beth Craigen’s Favourite Hiking Route – River Weaver walk from Barnton
I love this walk from Barnton along the River Weaver and back along the Trent and Mersey Canal which I walk a few times a year with my husband. It a beautiful flat walk with varied terrain through fields, woodland, along footpaths and towpaths with plenty of wildflowers, farm animals and wildlife to spot. We once spotted an elusive kingfisher along the canal which will still remain one of my favourite wildlife sightings. There are plenty of picnic spots along the way as well as a pub at roughly the halfway point. Accessible from train stations in Northwich and you can make it longer or shorter depending on what you fancy doing/. The Anderton Boat Lift is just to the east so can be added on as a site of interest. It can get a bit muddy in winter but it is still lots of fun in waterproofs and wellies!
Want to find out more about how to start hiking?
Read our complete guide to Hiking for Beginners, everything you need to get started from essential equipment to fitness and safety advice – Hiking For Beginners
What’s your fave bit of kit available on the OS Shop?
My favourite bit of kit is my Silva Expedition 4 Compass. I bought it as a gift to myself when I passed my Lowland Leader Award. I use it a lot when I am teaching navigation and when exploring myself in the mountains. It is a good size for taking bearings and has all the detail I need.

OS Shop
We are with you every step of the way. Shop our trusted walking and hiking maps and guidebooks so you can explore the outdoors with confidence.
Go to the shopFind and follow Beth Craigen online:
Instagram: @bethskeptsecrets and @nacrooutdoorlearning