Touch Grass Trip point challenge. Livestreaming from a trig pillar somewhere in the UK Touch Grass Trip point challenge. Livestreaming from a trig pillar somewhere in the UK Touch Grass Trip point challenge. Livestreaming from a trig pillar somewhere in the UK

The Touch Grass Trig Point Challenge 

Over four Saturdays in August, we will be livestreaming at a trig pillar somewhere in England. If you can figure out where the trig pillar is, using the livestream video and clues that will be released in the week leading up to each weekend, and make your way there to be the first to shout ‘Touch Grass!’ you may just win £1000!   

The rules of the Challenge are set out below. Please read these carefully before participating. By entering into the Challenge, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions. 

The Prize 

  1. A total of four winners will each receive a prize of £1,000. 

How To Enter 

  1. The Challenge will run from 25 July to 31 August 2024 inclusive.  
    Over four Saturdays in August, we will be livestreaming from a different trig pillar located somewhere in England. By using the clues released in the week leading up to each respective Saturday you will need to find out where we are livestreaming from and make your way there.  

    To win, you must be the first one walk up to the trig pillar that is being live-streamed, touch it and at the same time shout ‘Touch Grass’ (the Winning Phrase). 

    The Challenge dates are: 
  • First Livestream: Saturday 3 August 2024. 
    Location clues will be published 31 July – 2 August 
  • Second Livestream: Saturday 10 August 2024. 
    Location clues will be published 7 August – 9 August 
  • Third Livestream: Saturday 17 August 2024 
    Location clues will be published 14 August – 16 August 
  • Fourth Livestream: Saturday 31 August 2024 
    Location clues will be published 28 August – 30 August 

The Challenge will open on each Livestream date above at 11am, when the livestream will start.  
Each Livestream will continue for no longer than 6 hours each Saturday and will end by 5pm. 
The Livestreams will be on Instagram Live, TikTok Live and Twitch. 

  1. If you are not the first to arrive or arrive after a livestream has ended, you will not win a prize. 
  1. No purchase is necessary to take part in this Competition. 


  1. The Challenge is open to all Great Britain residents, aged 18 or over, excluding OS employees, members of their direct families, ex-OS employees or any person directly associated with the Challenge. 
  1. Group entries: You may decide to enter into the Challenge with a group of up to 4 people. In this event, you all need to touch the trig pillar and shout the Winning Phrase at the same time. 
  1. If you are under 18 years of age and want to take part, make sure to talk to an adult who can come along and enter with you instead. You both need to touch the trig pillar and shout the Winning Phrase at the same time, and if you are the first ones to do so, the prize will be paid to the adult only. 
  1. In entering the Challenge, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the prize. We may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the Challenge. 
  1. The Challenge is limited to one entry per household, per weekend. Please note that if you have won a prize on one weekend, you will not be eligible to win one of the other prizes. 
  1. We reserve all rights to disqualify your entry, if your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Challenge. 
  1. The OS representatives, who will be present at the trig pillar, will check whether you have touched the trig pillar and shouted the Winning Phrase at the same time, to determine if you are the winner. The decision of the OS representatives will be final, even if an additional challenge(s) is required to determine if you are the winner, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.  

Winners & Claiming the Prize 

  1. The winners will be notified verbally, on the day, whether they have won. 
  1. If notified that you are a winner, you must give the OS representatives, who will be present at the trig pillar, your email address and telephone number. 

    OS will contact the winners within 7 days to arrange for payment of the prize. In order to claim your prize, you must respond within 7 days of being contacted to provide your bank details. 

    The prize shall be sent to the winners by bank transfer within 14 days of the winners providing their details to OS. 
  1. We will make all reasonable efforts to contact the winner. We reserve the right to void an unclaimed prize at our discretion without further notice to the original winner, if: 
  1. the winner cannot be contacted, or is not available; 
  1. the winner has not provided the relevant bank details within 7 days of being contacted by OS; or 
  1. the prize cannot be taken up or is declined or returned undelivered. 

The original winner shall cease to be eligible for the prize or any alternative and shall have no claim against OS.  

  1. Under the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) requirements, we must either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation, we will publish the surname and county of the prize winners and imagery of the winning moments on our website.  
  1. If you are a winner and you object to your surname, county, quote and/or photo/video being published or made available, please let OS know this in person on the day, or when you are contacted by us afterwards. In such circumstances we must still provide the information to the ASA, if requested.


  1. By entering this Challenge, you will be providing to us personal data as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and associated laws. Any personal data that you provide will be processed in accordance with the GDPR and associated laws. The way in which we process your personal data is set out in our Privacy Policy
  1. We disclaim all liability for any loss or damage to persons or property (whether direct or indirect) incurred by any person in connection with this Challenge, to the maximum extent permissible by law. 
  1. We reserve the absolute right to disqualify any person and/or withdraw a prize from a winning entrant if, in our opinion, there is a potential breach of these Challenge terms and conditions, including, but without limitation, where the conduct of said person, in our sole opinion, is obscene, indecent or otherwise offensive. 
  1. We reserve the right to cancel this Challenge or alter any of the terms and conditions at any stage, if in our opinion it is necessary to do so, or circumstances arise outside of our control. It is your responsibility to check the terms and conditions regularly for any changes. 
  1. We may assign any and all of our rights relating to the Challenge to one of our group companies and/or any entity to whom our functions and activities are transferred. 
  1. If any of the clauses within the Challenge terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, then that clause shall be severed and deleted from these Challenge terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. 
  1. These Challenge terms and conditions shall be governed by English law and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction. 

Spot Prizes During Livestreams 

  1. During the Challenge Livestreams each Saturday, we may randomly award spot prizes to people who engage with the Livestreams on Instagram Live, TikTok Live and / or Twitch.
    You might help to identify the location of the trig pillars on the Livestreams, even if you can not, or do not want to, make your way there in person.  

    Spot prize winners will be chosen at random during the livestreams and notified by OS replying to their comment. The accounts to be used includes OS’ main social handle (@ordnancesurvey) and the campaign moderator accounts – @ordnancesurveytrigs (Twitch), @ordnancesurvey.trigs (TikTok), @ordnancesurveytrigchallenge (Instagram). 

    Spot prizes may include items from a cutlery set to a guidebook and will be subject to the General Terms and Conditions for Prize Draws (


The promoter of the Challenge is Ordnance Survey Limited (company number 09121572) trading as Ordnance Survey or OS, registered in England and Wales, whose registered office is at Explorer House, Adanac Drive, SOUTHAMPTON SO16 0AS.
Ordnance Survey Leisure Limited is a subsidiary company of Ordnance Survey, which is registered in England and Wales (company number 06894550) and whose registered office is at Explorer House, Adanac Drive, SOUTHAMPTON SO16 0AS.