OS Wallpaper Download: March 2023 – Blossom at Alexandra Park, London by Marathon
Alexandra Park was designed to serve as a public centre of recreation, education and entertainment in North London, with views to the south and east stretching down towards the Thames Estuary
Named after Queen Alexandra, the wife of King Edward VII, Alexandra Park is the former commercial pleasure grounds of the Alexandra Palace, which was built between 1864 and 1873. Designed to serve as a public centre of recreation, education and entertainment for North London, the Palace caught fire and was destroyed just 16 days after the opening ceremony and was subsequently rebuilt. In 1936 the palace became the home of the world’s first regular public high-definition television service, operated by the BBC and its radio and television mast is still in use.
One of the great attractions is the tremendous views to the south and east, stretching down towards the Thames Estuary, as well as to Kent and Essex. The towers of the City of London and Canary Wharf are also usually clearly seen.
This image was taken in March 2022 and submitted by prolific Geograph photographer ‘Marathon’. You can find more images from them on their Geograph Profile.
Free Download: Desktop Wallpaper Background
2560 x 1440 (also for 2048 x 1152 | 1920 x 1080 | 1600 x 900 | 1536 x 864 | 1366 x 768 |1280 x 720, plus Teams and Zoom)
1920 x 1200 (also for 1680 x 1050 | 1440 x 900 | 1280 x 800)
1366 x 768
1024 x 768 (also for iPad)
Free Download: Mobile / Tablet Wallpaper Background
Mobile Wallpaper: For most mobile and tablet devices. For Android devices more of the image shows as you swipe between screens.

Using the downloaded wallpaper image
Image © Copyright ‘Marathon’ and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
To save the image on a computer, right-click (or alt-click) and select ‘save target as’ or the equivalent for your browser. If you are not sure of the screen size, use the largest one.
- For most computers, right click the desktop and select ‘set wallpaper’ to change the wallpaper image.
- For iOS devices, select the image, press and hold on the image to ‘save image’, then go to Photos > Share > Set as Wallpaper.
- On Android devices, select the image, long press to ‘download image’ and then go to Wallpapers > My photos and select the image.
Did you know?: You can also use the free image as a background for Zoom, Teams or other live chat systems.
Got a great photo?
If you are an keen photographer and have a great landscape, cityscape or wildlife photo you would like to see featured, please see the submission guidelines.
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