- OS Champion
Rob Haggan
Meet Rob Haggan – Husband, father, occasional adventurer. Hiker, biker, slow runner, occasional blogger.
What drives you to spend time outside?
I was fortunate enough to grow up right next to a fairly large forest, so hiking, trail running, mountain biking and wild camping were just the normal things that i did for entertainment as teenager going into my 20’s. i was probably in my early 20’s before i realised that not everybody likes spending time outside. that love for the outdoors that was formed in the early years will always stick with me and is usually satisfied by morning trail runs before work and weekend trips to the mountains for hiking.
Where are your favourite places to go?
I have always had a soft spot for the Peak District and have spent many hours exploring there. Snowdonia also offers endless opportunities for adventure and setting my alarm for an early morning trip to the mountains is one of my favourite to do. but equally, a good sized Forest to walk or mountain bike through will keep me just as happy.
What is your favourite thing to do outdoors?
Cor many years, mountain biking was my first choice when it came to getting outside. but these days I definitely prefer to explore on foot. there a re hundreds of mountains that i am yet to climb and i am also really keen to tackle some of the UK’s long distance trails.
Who inspires you and how?
I am inspired by many people who try to live adventurously. Particularly those who are finding time to get outside while looking after families and holding down challenging jobs. its all too easy to fall into bad habits when you are exhausted from chasing toddlers around and dealing with demands of the 9-5. i am definitely inspired by those that create a great balance and prioritise there time outside.
What are your focuses this year to help people get outside more often?
With everything going this year, it has never been more important to emphasise the benefits of getting outside into green spaces. i hope that i can help to inspire people to make the most of their free time and start living more adventurously.
What are your 3 biggest life achievements?
My family will always be my proudest achievement. I have a beautiful wife and two young daughters who are my favourite adventure buddies (although their little legs are too small to scale mountains just yet) Back in 2015 i got a promotion in my job role that allowed me to go and live in New Zealand for 18 months. fulfilling i life ambition to go and spend time in the incredible southern alps. Then, of course, i’d have to say that being selected as a GetOutside Champion for 2020. i started a blog just a couple of years ago to share some ideas about adventure. i never expected to be a part of the GetOutside community as a result of that.
3 words you live by…
Life’s an adventure
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
Giant bags of jelly babies on every hike