- OS Champion
Kate MacRae
Meet Kate MacRae (AKA WildlifeKate) – Avid wildlife watcher, tech loving nature photographer and fresh air addict, and passionate about developing nature connectivity.
Tell us a bit about yourself and how you like to get outside?
I am an avid wildlife & nature-loving enthusiastic, a tech loving nature film-maker & photographer and fresh air addict! I’m passionate about developing nature connectivity and introducing local wildlife to all!

Having recently sold up and moved from the Midlands, to beautiful South Wales, I am living out my dream of having a large plot, full of amazing wildlife to film and share!
Watching and photographing wildlife and sharing the joys of nature with everyone and anyone, are my favourite things outdoors. I love setting up cameras to film and monitor the wildlife in my locality; from wired, complex set-ups connected to hi-tech monitoring systems, to trail cams on local badger sets, I am constantly on the look out for my next wildlife story. I live stream a range of cameras on my website to excite and engage and offer me chances to educate people about common species.

My collie, Wren and I love hiking and running and we spend the vast majority of our time out in my new plot or exploring the new Welsh countryside around my home.
What’s your favourite route or place to go and why?

My favourite place to be is always in my own 3 acre plot and the surrounding countryside and nature reserves. By immersing myself in the spaces closest to my home, I am able to get to know the flora and fauna that I share this space with and become tuned into the comings and goings of the wildlife, from birds, to mammals, to insects.
What’s your fave bit of kit available on the OS Shop?

OS Shop
We are with you every step of the way. Shop our trusted walking and hiking kit so you can explore the outdoors with confidence.
Go to the shopWherever I am in the country, this map will highlight all the best spots to head to to see the UK’s great wildlife!
Find Kate online – @thewildlifekate