Eddie Fitzpatrick
  • OS Champion

Eddie Fitzpatrick

Meet Eddie Fitzpatrick – Adventurer, photographer and lover of the outdoors!

What drives you to spend time outside?

Growing up in Scotland’s largest city with the Scottish mountains on my doorstep always called for adventures! My childhood memories are filled with nature and outdoors. I soon learned the benefits of spending time in the great outdoors.

Where are your favourite places to go?

Mountains, mountains, any kind of mountains.

What is your favourite thing to do outdoors?

Hiking is number one, but we all have ways we feel most comfortable expressing ourselves. For me, that’s with a camera. It allows me to capture what I see and feel whilst being outdoors in one specific moment, with little need for words.

Who inspires you and how?

We all need a partner and crime out in the mountains, mines is my dad! He does all the hard work the planning, the driving and most importantly the spending. But, jokes aside, he has always encouraged me to get outdoors and do the things I love!

What are your focuses this year to help people get outside more often?

I want to share my hiking adventures to encourage others to get outdoors. I want to use my passion for creating content through photos and videos to share positive and meaningful messages of getting outside. I want to utilise social media to showcase inspiring people! I will aim to document different aspects of the outdoors with people at the heart of the story.

What are your 3 biggest life achievements?

Graduating as a product designer from the Glasgow School of Art. I carried the Commonwealth Games Baton in 2014. I won a young volunteer of the year and progressed to become a youth worker

3 words you live by…

Engage, Empower, Inspire